You are doing really well

As I was walking this morning, pondering what I'd like to share in my monthly newsletter, I was asking myself, as I often do,

What do I want anyone who reads this, to feel?

I usually voice-note anything that I want to create, so I began to record away and before I knew it, I had 5 minutes of ideas. But there was a nagging feeling.

In the world of well-being, when we set out to get inspired, we often come away feeling overwhelmed or defeated. The suggestions, the ideas, the visions can simply feel as though they would require more than the energy that we have available. We might then feel lazy, as if we are somehow less-than, unworthy. I think most of us are just plain tired. Even if we haven’t had any major personal upheaval in the last 4 years, we have certainly witnessed so much in the world around us. The backdrop to everything has been challenging.

I deleted the voicenote.

Because I realised that all I wanted to say to my reader on a grey winter’s morning, whoever managed to have enough time in their day to even open a newsletter, let alone actually read it to the end was this - You are doing really well. If you made New Year’s resolutions, never make them, have made enormous shifts, are just about getting through the day.. It really is alright. Sometimes we are winning at life and other times, we are hurtling down a helter-skelter backwards. Sometimes we are trudging up the endless spiral stairs dragging the itchy, stinky mat.

If you feel a spark of inspiration, try to follow it with as much compassion for yourself as possible. If you can direct your awareness towards something that you truly want to see in your life, even just for moments at a time, that’s a wonderful start. If you can find joy, celebrate that, because that, in itself is remarkable when we are seeing so much pain around us.

We are living in extraordinary times, we can’t always be extraordinary ourselves.

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